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Kids Newsletter
August 2011
Have a NOT Back to School Party!
While others around you are gearing up for the first day of school, why don't you and a few other homeschooling friends plan a party! Celebrate your local public school's first day by having a NOT Back to School party. Plan your party at a local park or beach and invite all the homeschoolers in your area. Make a supplies list and ask each family to contribute to the party. For example, maybe you can bring paper cups and paper plates while another family supplies drinks and ice.
Plan games and activities for your homeschooling friends. Be sure and bring a football, frisby and other outdoor toys.
A Not Back to School Party is the perfect way to kick off your homeschooling year and the perfect way to meet other homeschoolers.
August is the Season For Wild Weather!
Do you know what a hurricane is? A hurricane is a tropical storm that originates over oceans. Most hurricanes start within the same area near the equator. Hurricanes have very high winds which blow in a circular motion around a low-pressure center. The low-pressure center of the hurricane is known as the "eye of the storm."
Hurricanes are rated on a scale of 1 to 5. The most powerful is a category 5 which has winds that exceed 155 miles per hour. Inside the eye of the hurricane, the winds are very calm.
When hurricanes are threatening the mainland, U.S. military aircraft fly into these storms and measure their winds and the direction of the storms travel. By studying the hurricanes winds and the weather near and around the storm, hurricane predictors can alert coastal residents of the approaching storm.
Microsoft Encarta
Out The
Hurricane Cam
Print a Hurricane
Tracking Map
Asked Questions
About Hurricanes
*** FEMA'S Hurricanes
For Kids Site!***
site! Quizzes, tracking, cartoons, videos and more!
calms the storm, So that it's waves are still.
Psalms 107:29
New Words To Learn
noun (plural fore·casts)
1. weather prediction: a prediction of weather conditions for the near future, usually broadcast on television or radio or printed in a newspaper.SATELLITE
sat·el·lite (plural sat·el·lites) noun
1. TELECOMMUNICATIONS device that orbits a planet: an object put into orbit around Earth or any other planet in order to relay communications signals or transmit scientific data.TROPICAL
trop·i·cal adjective
1. typical of the tropics: relating to or characteristic of the tropics
2. hot and sultry: very hot and often combined with a high degree of humidityEQUATOR
e·qua·tor (plural e·qua·tors) noun
1. GEOGRAPHY imaginary circle around Earth: the imaginary great circle around the Earth that is the same distance from the North and South Poles and divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.ATMOSPHERE
at·mos·phere (plural at·mos·pheres) noun
1. gas around celestial body: the mixture of gases that surrounds a celestial body such as the Earth
2. air or climate: the air or climate in a given placeLATITUDE
lat·i·tude (plural lat·i·tudes) noun
1. GEOGRAPHY imaginary line around the Earth: an imaginary line joining points on the Earth's surface that are all of equal distance north or south of the equator
2. GEOGRAPHY area of the Earth's surface: a region of the Earth's surface near a particular latitude (often plural)snow showers in the northerly latitudes .
lon·gi·tude (plural lon·gi·tudes) noun
1. angular distance from prime meridian: the angular distance east or west of the prime meridian that stretches from the North Pole to the South Pole and passes through Greenwich, England. Longitude is measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
2. area of earth's surface: a region near a particular longitude
The word "storm" appears in the Bible 14 times!
He stirs up the sea with His power, And by His understanding
He breaks up the storm.
Job 26:12Storms can be very exciting and they can also be frightening. When weather forecasters are predicting nasty weather, it is natural for you to be a little afraid. We know that if we are not sensible and do not take precautions then we could be in danger of a storm. With modern forecasting and radar imagery, scientests are better able today than ever before to warn us well in advance of approaching storms. If you are in the path of a hurricane, you will have more than enough time to evacuate and get to safety. Just stay calm and help your family prepare to leave when nasty weather threatens you and your family.
We know that the Lord is in control of everything that happens around us. We can trust him to take care of us and we can put ourselves in His hands. When you start to feel afraid of anything, just start to pray. Ask God to calm you and to reassure you that everything will be ok.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
There are many different storms that you may come across in your life. Some "storms" have nothing to do with the weather. Some "storms" may be personal problems that you are having in your life. Maybe you have problems at home with family or with your friends. These "storms" can be more upsetting than a hurricane sometimes! Once again, you have to trust Jesus with your problems and allow Him to provide you with strength and a sense of peace. Just ask Him for His peace!! He is always there for you and is always ready to calm the storms in your life!
Get to know the one who controls the storms!Jesus, the SON, loves YOU!!!
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might." Ecclesiastes 9:10
Crafty Kids Corner
Stormy weather keeping you inside! Then get crafting!
Idea!!! Get a plastic box to keep all your art supplies in and then you will be ready in a moment to start crafting!
Wild & Wacky Wind Sock
What do you need?
Paint and BrushesGlue
Construction Paper
Crepe Paper Streamers
StringWhat do you do?
Decorate a 10 by 20 inch piece of construction paper. Get creative. Draw or paint clouds, stars, smiley faces, etc. Add glitter for sparkle or try gluing on paper cutouts of stars, eyes, hair etc.
Cut 30 inch long crepe paper streamers. You will probably need around 10 of them. Glue these streamers to the back of the bottom side of the construction paper. Glue or staple the ends together to form a long tube.
Use your string to create a handle for your sock. Make knots at the end of a pice of string about 30 inches long. Staple your knots to the sides.
Hang on your porch and watch your windsock ride the August winds!
August Fun In The Kitchen
Hurricane Hot Dogs6 Hotdog Weiners
12 crescent rolls
6 pieces of sandwich cheesePreheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut weiners in half. Place weiner half inside crescent roll with 1/2 slice cheese rolled around weiner. Roll crescent roll and secure with toothpick. Place rolls on baking pan inside 350 degree oven. Cook until rolls are golden brown!
Stormy Fruit Salad5 Bananas
1 (6 ounce) can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed slightly
1 can crushed pineapple - drained
1 package frozen strawberries, partially thawed
1 cup white sugar
1 cup boiling waterStart by mashing bananas with a fork. Next, stir in orange juice, strawberries and pineapple. Mix together. In another bowl, stir sugar into boiling water until dissolved. After cooling, pour mixture over fruit mixture. Stir together. Freeze until cold and then store in refrigerator.
Blustery Banana-Chocolate
Milk ShakeAdd 1 banana, 2 scoops of chocolate ice-cream, 1 cup of milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract to blender. Blend until yummy smooth!
Online ReadingThe Wizard of Oz
Anne of Avonlea
Children's Storybooks Online
Molly Whuppie
A Is For August!
A - U - G - U - S - T
A is for all about the atmosphere!
U is for a peaceful understanding we receive from Jesus!
G is for the gusty winds that accompany a hurricane.
U is for the most unusually disastrous hurricane to strike the US coast.
S is for the supply kit you need when preparing a family disaster plan.
Bible Memory Verses for AUGUSTFor God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.1 Corinthians 14:33
Send Someone A Summer Card From our Online Card Shop!
Online Summer GamesAround The World in 80 Clicks
Basketball Fun
Tuna Trapper
Jungle Jumper
Animal Ark
Escape To Bugville
Percentage PI
Scramble Saurus
Rescue Island
Spotlight On Homeschoolers!This month's focus is on homeschooler Caroline K. from Kansas. Caroline participated on a girl's softball team in Kansas. Caroline is 9 years old and her team won the city division. Caroline was also selected as an all-star and her all-star team finished in 2nd place! Congratulations Caroline!!!
If you know someone who should be spotlighted here, please send us the information to:
Reader's SubmissionsPoem from Josh - Age 10 (Florida)
Summer is here with lots to do
swimming in the sea that is a beautiful blue
Summer is great and my bike is new
riding to the park and the beaches too.Summer is here and the weather is hot
the cold days of winter I have not forgot
Summer sun is high and shines a lot
in the shade is me lying on a cot!"Homeschooled Kids" welcomes contributions from subscribers. Readers are encouraged to send: Jokes, essays, poems, artwork or any original work that you want published on the WWW. Please send e-mail to: Include in the e-mail your name, age and home state. Only first names will be published. Thanks!!!
More Online Summer FunLearn About Roller Coasters
Build A Kite
Jump Rope Rhymes
Car Games
Summer Coloring Pictures
That's all for this month! We hope you are having a great summer!
Look for us next month in your e-mail box!God bless you!
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