Boy Plays In Leaves

Fall Into Love With Jesus!

Looking around you at the beauty of the Fall Season it's hard to imagine anything more beautiful.
Bright orange and red leaves fill the trees and crunch under your shoes as you stroll among the
fall landscape. A brilliant blue sky covers you and the smell of a burning fireplace fills the air. In
the distance you hear children laughing as they play in huge leaf piles. Your heart fills with joy as you
anticipate the upcoming holidays and the thoughts of family and celebrations.

Behind all the beautiful sights and sounds of Autumn, there is a loving creator. This creator had you in
mind when He created the majestic season of fall. This creator is God.

As wonderful as the pleasures of this earth are, there is a place that is even better. The Bible tells
us that heaven awaits those who believe in God's only Son, Jesus. Heaven is going to be so incredible
that we can not image the splendor. The Bible says,

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor
have entered into the heart of man The things which God has

for those who love Him."

Heaven is a very real place and Jesus is very real too. Jesus loves you and wants you to come
to live in Heaven someday with Him. God makes it easy to go to Heaven. A lot of people think that you
get to go to Heaven because you are really good and you go to church. Going to church is a good thing
and so is being a good boy or girl, but that is not how you get to Heaven.

To go to Heaven someday, all you have to do is SAY to Jesus that you are a sinner. The Bible tells us
that everyone is a sinner.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

BELIEVE that Jesus died on the cross for you! Did you know that if you were
the only little boy or girl alive that Jesus still would have died for just YOU!! He loves you very much!

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners,
Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
