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Pumpkin Patch - Printable Packet for Kids
Pumpkin Patch
Let Your Light Shine - A Christian Themed Printable Packet
A Christian based Literacy/Math Unit that includes:
The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin - Sequence Printable Activity
Pumpkin Life Cycle Word Cards
The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Handwriting Practice
The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Vocabulary & Coloring
Life Cycle Matching Fun
Life Cycle Word Search
The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Pattern Activity
Pumpkin Recipe for Kids
Pumpkin Craft
Letter P Handwriting Sheets
Pumpkin Facts
A Little Pumpkin Booklet
Pumpkin Math Printable Activity
Pumpkin Math Flash Cards
Pumpkin Math Missing Numbers
Pumpkin Math Maze Activity
Counting Pumpkins Printable Addition Activity
Numbers 1 - 10 (Handwriting Practice)
Let Your Light Shine - Bible Devotion
Christian themed Pumpkin Carving Templates
Bible Memory Verse
Coloring Fun & More!
Available Now!
Pumpkin Patch - Printable Packet for Kids
Pumpkin Patch
Let Your Light Shine - A Christian Themed Printable Packet
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Fall Leaf Person
What you need:
Fall Leaves
Markers, crayons, glitter, etc.
Art Paper or construction paper
Instructions: Step 1: Glue one leaf to your paper. This will be the body of your leaf man or woman. Step 2. Using your markers or crayons, create a leaf person by drawing arms, legs, head, etc. Be creative. Cut out shapes from construction paper to create hats, purses, rakes, etc. Step 3. You can also use pipe cleaners for arms and legs. |
Gift Idea
Leave a little
space blank on your construction paper at the bottom or top.
Using a separate
piece of paper cut in the shape of a rectangle (the same size as
your blank space), write
a poem, story, thank you note, etc. to someone special. Sign your
name and date it.
Add a little glue to the back of your rectangle and add to your
leaf person picture. Cover
with clear contact paper and give as a gift to someone special! and
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