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November Newsletter
has arrived with a sense of anticipation of
the upcoming holiday season. Neighborhoods
are decorated with the colors of autumn and
the air is filled with a fresh crispness.
Day , legal holiday in the U.S., first
celebrated in early colonial
in New
The actual origin, however, is probably the harvest
that are traditional in many parts of the
world Festivals and Feasts. After the first
harvest was completed by the Plymouth
colonists in 1621, Governor William Bradford
proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer,
shared by all the colonists and neighboring
Native Americans.

of harvest:
the gathering of ripe crops, the crops or the
amount so gathered, or the season in which
they are gathered.
In 1623
a day of fasting
and prayer during a period of drought was
changed to one of thanksgiving because the
rain came during the prayers. Gradually the
custom prevailed in New
England of
annually celebrating thanksgiving after the
the American
a yearly day of national thanksgiving was
suggested by the Continental
In 1817 New York State adopted Thanksgiving
Day as an annual custom, and by the middle of
the 19th century many other states had done
the same. In 1863 President Abraham
appointed a day of thanksgiving, and since
then each president has issued a Thanksgiving
Day proclamation, generally designating the
fourth Thursday of November as a holiday.
Thanksgiving is a statutory holiday in
Canada, celebrated, since 1957, on the second
Monday in October. Observance of the day
began in 1879. "Thanksgiving
Day,"Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia.
1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights

a book from Amazon.com to explore Thanksgiving as
a family!

How does
your family celebrate Thanksgiving? Do
you travel to spend Thanksgiving with
family? Maybe you have family who will
travel to spend the holiday with you.
Do you
gather around the dining room table and
enjoy a delicious dinner with your
family? Maybe after dinner your family
likes to relax by a crackling fire and
play a board game together. Some families
enjoy a nice walk in the woods after
Thanksgiving dinner.
One of God's
greatest gifts to us is our family and
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to enjoy
the company of our parents, brothers,
sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents and
other relatives.

it will be Thanksgiving and the beginning of the
Holiday Season!
While you
and your family are enjoying all that
Thanksgiving offers, be sure and take a
moment to think about everything that you
are thankful for. Why not ask Mom or Dad
to start a new tradition in your home of
sharing your "thanks" around
the dinner table before the BIG MEAL!

have each dinner guest name one thing that they
are most thankful for this Thanksgiving.
I thank you God for
. . .
Make a list of everything
that you are thankful for!
Some ideas:
I am thankful for my
I am thankful for
the house that God has provided me with.
I am thankful for my
I am thankful for my
I am thankful for
the food that God provides me with.
I am thankful for
the good friends that God brings into my life.
I am thankful for my
church and my pastor.
I am thankful for
the warm clothes that God provides me with.
I am thankful for
beautiful fall weather that God gives us to
I am thankful most
of all that God loved me so very much that He
sent His only Son to die for me so that I could
live in heaven someday.

Have you
ever noticed that when things go wrong we
are sometimes quick to ask, "Why
God?" but when things are mostly
o.k. in our lives, we sometimes forget to
thank God for taking care of us.
Keep the
spirit of Thanksgiving in your heart all
year long and remember to thank God for
all the little things in your life that
you may sometimes take for granted.
Don't forget to
watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!
will be televised live on NBC from 9:00am -
12:00pm EST
November 22nd - Thanksgiving Day
Visit the official Macy's web site for more information!

Have you seen our "Be
Thankful" Bible
Study for Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Fun! 
Color a Thanksgiving Picture
Read "An
Old Fashioned Thanksgiving" by Louisa May
Leaf Fun with Billy Bear
Color the Mayflower
Color the Pilgrims
Color a Turkey
Cornucopia Tissue Craft (A
printable activity)
Write A
Turkey Poem (A
rintable activity)
Make a Tic
Tac Turkey Game (With
printable pattern)
Calendar (Draw a
picture of Thanksgiving Above - Printable)
A Thanksgiving Printable
Quiz with Answer Key
The First
Thanksgiving (Printable
Quiz) with Answer Key
Through History (Printable
Quiz) with Answer Key
How to say "Thank
You" in 465 languages
Crossing of the Mayflower - Mapping Skills
A Thanksgiving Rebus Story
Thanksgiving Word Searches - Easy (Answer Key)
Thanksgiving Word Searches - 4th - 5th Grade (Answer Key)
Thanksgiving Word Searches - Hard (Answer Key)
A Turkey Jigsaw
17th Century Talk like a pilgrim!
Create a
Wacky Thanksgiving Story (Fill in the blank
printable activity)
Read "Sammy,
The Turkey Snake)
Make a Papier
Mache Bowl
Facts About
How to make a Thanksgiving
Crossword Puzzle with Answer Key
Make a Pine Cone Turkey
Go on a Turkey Hunt
Send someone a Thanksgiving
Be sure and visit
our "All
About Thanksgiving" for
fun ideas and ways to celebrate Thanksgiving!
